Friday, August 12, 2011


I think Stephen Colbert is a comic genius.  For those who do not know him, he is the host of the Colbert Report on Comedy Central.  His character is Stephen Colbert a blow-hard conservative pundit who loves being in the middle of the story.  He is the perfect satirical character in our modern age.  Mr. Colbert deeply loves what I call performance art, whereby he takes his character into the real world and interacts with it.  He ran for president in 2008, testified before Congress, interviewed many members of Congress and frequently made himself part of numerous debates.

Now, in his own intelligently comic way, he is rallying against the Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision. That declared money a form a speech and the government cannot limit or force disclosures on giving money to candidates or political movements. This decision has allowed for “Super-PACs” that can raise unlimited funds. Allowing the “Super-PAC’s” to spend it they want, and have not have to disclose anything about the PAC, who gave the money or what it was spent on.  The decision is bad law and contrary to past decisions of the Court.

Earlier this summer, Colbert appeared before the Federal Elections Committee and petitioned for his own Super-PAC.  The Super-PAC, which Colbert called “Americans For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow” was granted permission to form last month.  He is now actively raising money to be used for whatever political purpose he wants. 

Yesterday, he ran two ads in Iowa urging people write in Rick Parry (vs. Rick Perry, the governor of Texas) in the Ames Iowa Straw poll.  Colbert is using these ads to rage against the machine that allowed him to create his Super-Pac.  His position is that Super PACs distort the truth and harms our political system.  I pray Rick Parry receives a significant number of votes on Saturday proving his point. 

The system is broken and is a complete bastardization of the idea of corruption free government.  The only bad part of all his is that it takes a comedian to point out the insanity in the system.  Gobble them up Stephen! 

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