Monday, August 8, 2011

Opprotunity Lost

The lack of leadership on both sides of the political aisle was on full display during the debt ceiling debate.  Personally, I believe the majority leader in the House, Eric Cantor, and the minority leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell bear more of the blame for the failure than most, but there is plenty of blame to be shared.

The problem with both Cantor and McConnell is they have both publically and repeatedly said the main goal of the Republican House and Senate is to limit the President to one-term.  Such comments demonstrate these party leaders have taken a position of party over country. This position is both a disgrace and a disservice to the American people and the Republican Party.  

The President put many of the Democratic party's most protected government programs on the table: Entitlement reform and tax reform. These are two key issues that have defined the Republican Party for decades. Yet, the two leaders refused to agree to these Republican ideas so as not to give the President a victory.  This was an opportunity lost for the county, because these two so-called leaders failed us by walking away of the discussion and refusing to participate in governing our country.

Despite this wildly reported fact, there has been no rebuke, no public outrage, no commendation, and no demand that these two resign their leadership position.  Rather, they have been praised by the political operative on the Right and the rest of us keep our head in the sand. 

We cannot continue down this path of politics over leadership and party over the nation’s well-being.  Maybe we do need another revolution, but more along the lines of an Arab Spring than a Tea Party rally.  We should not allow this opportunity to be lost.

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